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Olive Wood Online Shop

A Performance Optimized WordPress/WooCommerce online religious souvenirs shop, with less than a 3 second loading time, hosted on an AWS EC2 t2.micro Instance, using an RDS db.t2.micro Database and CloudFront CDN. Optimized with caching, combining and minifying CSS and JS, optimizing and compressing images, serving images as Webp. Secured with "All In One WP Security" and other plugins. A less than 3 seconds loading and interactive times, with 23 plugins, including Google Recaptcha, Facebook Pixel and Google Analytics.

< 3 secondsWordPressWooCommerceOpenLiteSpeed Server/CachingMemcachedRedisPHPMariaDBCertBot (Let'sEncrypt)AWS EC2AWS RDSAWS CloudFrontGoogle RecaptchaGoogle AnalyticsFacebook PixelCloudflare

My Personal Portfolio

A Personal Portfolio project based on a JamStack, using Gatsby, Strapi and Netlify static hosting.

ReactJSGatsbyStrapiGraphQLSEOGatsby ImageNetlifyVanilla CSSHerokuNetlifyCloudinaryCloudflare

Kenz Woman WC Online Shop

A Multilingual WordPress/WooCommerce lingerie Online Shop Startup.

WordPressWooCommerceAmazon EC2 (Ubuntu 16.04)Amazon RDS (MySQL)Amazon Route 53Amazon S3Apache2PHPMultilingualSEOAnalyticsCachingImage OptimizationSSL

GMAO - Gestion de maintenance assistée par ordinateur

Meaning, Computerized maintenance management system. Briefly, an IOT Maintenance Ticketing System, tracking non-functional IOT devices and automatically reporting them.

AngularAngular CLIAngular MaterialAngular FormsBootstrap 4TypeScriptES6+NodeJSExpressJSMongoDBRabbitMQJWT Authentication/Authorizationi18nLazy LoadingGitJIRA

Gatsby/WooCommerce - Olive Wood Online Shop

In the process of converting the site from WordPress/WooCommerce as the Backend and Frontend of the project to a JamStack Headless CMS. Using Gatsby as the Static Frontend, and keeping WP/WC as a headless CMS to feed the Gatsby site with all the products, images and other data and meta data.

ReactJSGatsbyWordPressWooCommerceJamStackReact DOMImage OptimizationTailwindCSS

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